Who We Are

We are a Vibrant online Resale & Thrift community! 

We are a secondhand shopping destination!

Choose secondhand best to make a difference!

What we Do

Here at Revivify we engage in our communities!

We have BIG HEARTS for foster care and families involved. 

Revivify online thrift store is our own unique way of being able to help children/young adults transitioning in or out of the foster care system with their personal needs with a primary focus on providing traveling suitcases.

Here at REVIVIFY we donate 10% of monthly sales to a foster care home or foster care agency to assist in buying suitcases for displaced foster children or those in transition. 

We believe everyone deserves to feel a sense of dignity! 

Clean out your space for our future

On any given day there are approximately 437,500 children in the foster care system in the United States.

Most times moved from their homes with little to no clothing. With the belongings they do have they're often times tossed in a trash bag for them to carry from home to home.

You can shop REVIVIFY secondhand name brand selections & more!

Our Mission

It's simple Fostering Hope!